Mystery Sock


I recently joined the Sock Knitters Anonymous group on Ravelry.  I'm excited to see what other sock enthusiasts are doing with their socks.  I'm getting so much inspiration from their yarn and pattern choices.  The only problem is.... now there are ten million more things that I would like to try too!

They have a mystery sock pattern in their March/April challenge.  I've never done a mystery sock before.  At regular intervals, the designer shares the pattern slowly over the course of the challenge.  So, other than a general description in the introduction that indicates which yarn might be most suitable or techniques that are going to be used, there is  no real way of knowing what the end result is going to be! 

I'm going to throw my hat in and see what happens.  I've chosen Knit Picks Stroll fingering yarn in Midnight Heather.  It's probably hard to see in the picture but it has a lovely blue undertone that makes it not quite true black.  


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